Cami’s Story

Cami’s Story


On May 3rd 2016, Camille Renee Barletta was struck by a reckless driver on a sidewalk in Newark New Jersey. On May 4th around 9:16PM she was officially declared as no longer among us.

She was my loving fiance and best friend.

We were very excited about getting married on October 1st of this year.

She was a daughter of two wonderful parents, sibling of a wonderful brother and sister and a friend to many wonderful people.

There’s no better way to get to know someone than through their own eyes. Cami maintained a wonderful fashion/DIY/travel blog. Reading it is an utter joy.


Cami was a SoCal native and moved from the golden state to attend College in Chicago, where we met our Senior year.

The first time I met Cami, I knew she was an adventurer. We talked about each other’s studies and she was so excited to tell me about her semester living in Ireland. The first time we ever met, we talked about all the places we wanted to visit one day, all the things we wanted to see, top 3 destinations around the world, the wanderlust that lived deep inside us.

Her big bright smile and giggles were utterly infectious as she laughed at my silly attempts at humor and bad jokes. I just never wanted to stop talking to her. I thought to myself that night, “if there’s one thing I needed to do in life, its walk this girl home tonight.” We hugged each other goodbye outside her apartment and both gleefully decided we should hang out again sometime soon.

We got to know each other and after a quite a bit of hiking, some camping, video games, sci-fi movies, great food, all these things I put her through but that she actually really enjoyed doing, I couldn’t help but think holy cow I struck gold in the girlfriend department.

Our love only grew and became stronger. We learned so much about each other and she taught me so much about myself. She brought out the absolutely best in me, inspired me, motivated me, and was always there for me, and I’m sure for many others as well. There was no doubt in my mind that I had to marry this girl.

After graduating from Loyola University Chicago in 2012, Cami maintained a job at a sales company in Skokie, IL for over 3 years, until her adventurous spirit got the best of her and she pursued a career as a flight attendant with United Airlines, moving closer to realizing her dreams of traveling as much as possible. She was stationed out of Newark after finishing training, something we were hoping would only be very temporary. She was getting closer and closer to that Chicago transfer.

Around the house, Cami could commonly be found snuggled up reading a good book, on a mountainous hiking trail, writing a story or her next blog post, singing or crafting things at home. Her wonderful sense of humor, positive outlook, sweet demeanor and big, bright smile brought joy wherever she went and to whatever she did. Cami was an empowered individual, not afraid to follow her dreams or seek adventure. She is an inspiration to all of us.


As I grew to know and love Cami, her tender, thoughtful, fun-loving nature never ceased to surprise and delight me.

The way that she was always ecstatic to talk to her friends and family

The way that she was all for a Star Wars themed wedding

They way that she started Christmas shopping months in advance so everyone got a good gift. (March this year, not even joking)

The way that she always missed me and could never wait to come home

The way that her heart was filled with joy after she found a little baby squirrel on Sheridan road and we helped it back into the tree

The way that she was not only patient, but supportive of me and all of my crazy hobbies and antics

The way that she was so excited to tell you about something she found or learned about, (often from pinterest and sometimes meng had to make it)

The way that she laughed hysterically at the stupid things I say

The way that she wanted to go everywhere and see everything that the world had to offer

The way that she absolutely adored her brother and sister, and talked to her parents almost every day

The way that she wanted to make every corner of our apartment beautiful

The way that she couldn’t wait to grow old and make a life together

I remember Cami for the beautiful, sweet, loving, stellar example of a human being that she was. It’s a wonder to us all, how such a big, fierce heart fit inside such a little lady.

Henry David Thoreau, a man who Cami probably knew way more about that I do, said “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined” One of the things I admire most about Cami was her confidence in following her dreams. She lived an extraordinarily rich life, full of depth, love, fun, adventure.

As the world moves on, I hope that some of you can allow Cami to be an inspiration for love and adventure in your lives. Try something new tomorrow, start the blog or website or business that you’ve always meant to, travel some place new and exotic, change career paths, get into that new hobby that’s always looked fun, live and laugh and be the best person you can be, love unconditionally. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to be yourself and to love yourself.
