

You don’t take the trip, the trip takes you. But you have to allow it to take you.

By sharing Cami’s story, her adventures and my own recent travels, I hope to help inspire people to take the leap, find adventure in their lives, travel to someplace new and break out of the routine, much like Cami inspired me to do. I’ll be sharing notes on my motorcycle adventure in hopes that it will in some small way help someone else who wants to set out on a similar trip.

I’ll also be sharing notes on the trip that is life in general, the ultimate trip that takes you through beautiful, soul-enriching times and sometimes not so beautiful heart wrenching times, again, in hopes that my experiences may in some small way help someone else that finds their way into a similar situation.

Finally, I owe it to Cami and to the world to tell as many people about her as I can. to tell the world about Cami is doing the world right. I hope that this blog exposes her beautiful soul, inspiring adventure and love and greatness in people much like the way she has always done to those around her.