Day 8: Highway 61 Visited

Day 8: Highway 61 Visited

The rain is getting a little old, and to bat, most of the day was windy as well making for a ride that was less than enjoyable. It wasn’t until about half way to Memphis that things finally started to dry up a little.

This being said, highway 61 was a pleasure and I’m glad I finally got to experience it. Coming out of St. Louis, there were some great curves and hills and some of the views really showcased the southland.


I wanted to try and stay along the Great River Road National Route most of the way, which incorporates 61 for a large portion, but jogs across the Mississippi river and ties into other roads as well. At one point I was back in Illinois along Highway 3, another cool road, not a lot of traffic at all and some great views of the big muddy.


I must have crossed 4-5 bridges today, each one maintaining it’s own rusty character. It was interesting to see parts of the river that weren’t attached to major cities. Even out in the middle of nowhere, it’s a pretty industrious shoreline most of the way with factories spewing interesting odors and barges carrying who knows what.

A valuable lesson learned today along Highway 3. With the rain and rain gear, my fuel economy was not quite what I thought it was. The fuel light came on unexpectedly around a little town called McClure and after driving around looking, there was no gas station in sight. Fuel light means reserve tank which means about 20 miles left. Luckily I found a guy that happened to be gassing up his truck in the driveway and he was kind enough to hook me up with a gallon or so to get me back across the river to nearest station. Thanks Joe Livingston, wherever you might be.

The GRR was neat but it was also super time consuming. It was almost 2pm and I wasn’t even halfway to Memphis. Interstate 55 was a good chance to dry off and gain some ground, and happened to also tie right back into 61 eventually. I think it got back on the scenic byway just as I entered Arkansas.

The closer I got to Memphis the hotter it became, almost hit 90 and quite humid. A big change from leaving St. Louis at 73 this morning. The landscape was flat most of the way but it was a great ride and the scenery was beautiful, wild flowers and fields and different colored grasses all over the place. I’d recommend jumping on 61 to any cyclist. Arkansas in general is probably a great place for riding.

Finally Memphis was in sight and the stomach was rumbling. Luckily Beale Street is home to some fine BBQ and Blues. I couldn’t help but to indulge.

Lookin Lit!
Lookin Lit!

Today’s Route:


Tomorrow the plan is Louisiana. Originally I was going to make a quick stop for the evening in Baton Rouge via 61 the whole way, but considering the current state of affairs around that area I’ll probably split off to 55 around Jacksonville and ride all the way into New Orleans.

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